At SilverCod, we are committed to securing, protecting, and defending our clients’ digital assets from cyber attackers and bad actors. A recent development in the WordPress community has brought to light the importance of vigilant cybersecurity practices, especially concerning widely used plugins.

The Popularity and Utility of the Post SMTP Plugin

The Post SMTP plugin, as listed on, is a free tool used by over 300,000 sites to enhance email deliverability for WordPress sites. It’s designed to configure any SMTP mailer with proper authentication, ensuring emails are delivered efficiently and not marked as spam. This plugin’s popularity underscores its utility in the WordPress ecosystem.

The Underlying Issues: CVE-2023-6875 and CVE-2023-7027

After analyzing the two critical issues identified in the Post SMTP plugin – CVE-2023-6875 and CVE-2023-7027 – it’s our assessment at SilverCod that these vulnerabilities stem from a lapse in coding best practices. Specifically, CVE-2023-7027 arises due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. Such oversights highlight the need for rigorous code review and adherence to best practices in software development.

The Risks of Blindly Installing Plugins

We consistently advise our clients and prospects against blindly installing plugins or code, whether free or paid. All code should be thoroughly scanned for weaknesses before being deployed in a production environment. This practice is crucial as attackers constantly probe for vulnerabilities, sometimes thousands of times a day.

The Limitations of Code Scanning

While code scanning can sometimes miss weak points or non-standard coding practices, it significantly increases the likelihood of early identification of potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach is a cornerstone of effective cybersecurity.

Why Nearly Half of Post SMTP Plugin Users are at Risk

As of writing this blog, based on statistics from, approximately 150,000 sites are running a vulnerable version of the Post SMTP plugin (versions lower than 2.8), despite the developer’s claim of over 300,000 installs. This means that almost 50% of the sites using this plugin are unprotected and exposed to vulnerabilities. For hackers, this scenario is akin to a field day – an opportunity too good to miss.

The Role of SilverCod in Cybersecurity

This is precisely why businesses need to engage a cybersecurity company like SilverCod. We serve as your defender and outsourced cybersecurity specialist, ensuring that your digital assets are updated, protected, and defended against such threats.

Immediate Action and Long-Term Strategy

If you are using the Post SMTP plugin, we urge you to update your plugin immediately. However, updating plugins is just one aspect of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Consider hiring experts like SilverCod who can manage these updates and overall security for you, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.

In conclusion, the vulnerabilities found in the Post SMTP plugin serve as a stark reminder of the ever-present cyber threats in the digital world. At SilverCod, we are dedicated to providing robust cybersecurity solutions tailored to your unique needs. Don’t leave your digital assets unprotected; reach out to us for expert cybersecurity services that safeguard your business. Contact SilverCod today to discuss how we can fortify your digital presence.

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